
Document proof

First I likely introduced my self with my proper Vaild Adhar card Issued by Digi locker  Name :- Aman mohd rafique chhipa Then I am uploading my Child Vaild birth certificate Issued by Rajasthan Govt Name:- Abdul Hannan Aman chhipa This is me with my child 🙂 This is my child during Phototherapy Session , we do phototherapy session at home to maintain Billirubin level in blood. I am providing UHID patient number of me and my son soo you can easily verify by hospital  I know that even after giving so much proof, some people consider me fake, Lastly all I can say Think logically verfiy from Your end And Save my kid life 🙏🏻🙂  Donation

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                              Scan this Qr code To Donate If Qr getting Failed try this Upi id :-  paytmqr28100505010109aofqycmuf7@paytm BANK DETAILS:- Account Number 0213158789 IFSC Code KKBK0000960  Name:- Aman mohd rafique chhipa  Location:- Chembur Mumbai